Aichi biodiversity targets pdf download

Biodiversity, including the aichi biodiversity targets. This document is available from the secretarys office, and can be downloaded from. Biodiversity 20112020 and progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets agenda item 3 eleventh meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity, hyderabad, india, 819 october, 2012 for more information, please contact. The strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020, adopted at the 10th meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity, sets 20 aichi biodiversity targets to be met by 2020 to address biodiversity loss and ensure its sustainable and equitable use. Assessment of nationallevel progress towards elements of. The more than 300 members comprise leading zoos, aquariums, associations, affiliate organisations and corporate partners from around. Upon realizing that target 17 was not realized by 2015 as envisaged, kenya is committed to finalize its nbsap to meet the said target.

Aichi biodiversity targets convention on biological diversity. Pdf aichi biodiversity target 11 in the likeminded. Learning from the failure to meet the aichi biodiversity targets, the authors recommend effective global and national targets and other. What are the aichi biodiversity targets and how do they. Publication 2020 scotlands biodiversity progress to 2020 aichi targets aichi biodiversity target supplementary report pdf, 8. In 2010 the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 was adopted. Progress towards the aichi targets adopted through the convention on biological diversity has been measured globally via indicators linked to elements of targets the 20 targets consist of 54 elements, and nationally based on reporting by parties to the convention in the 5th 20102014 and 6th 20142018 national reports. Examining the 60 specific elements of the aichi biodiversity targets, seven have been achieved and 38 show progress. Target 14 ecosystem services local biodiversity outlooks. The uk is a signatory to the cbd treaty and will submit a full report in december 2018, which will include progress on each aichi target. Mar 04, 2021 aichi target 11 required that by 2020 at least 17% of terrestrial areas and 10% of marine areas across the world, especially those of critical importance for biodiversity, should be conserved and. Global biodiversity outlook 5 convention on biological.

The aichi biodiversity targets with which states will meet in order to achieve the 5. The establishment of the panel was welcomed by the fourth meeting of the ad hoc openended working. By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably. Wcc forum sessions contribution to the achievement of the aichi biodiversity targets id title target 1 target 2 target 3 target 4 target 5 target 6 target 7 target 8 target 9 target 10 target 11 target 12 target target 14 target 15 target 16 target 17 target 18 target 19 target 20. The united nations must get its new biodiversity targets right. Aichi targets interim reports 2016 and 2017 naturescot. The development of national targets, and the updating and revision. Dec 01, 2017 to assess interactions among global targets, we selected national actions related to aichi biodiversity target 14 or 15 figure 2a and b respectively, and at least one other aichi biodiversity target.

Sep 16, 2020 biodiversity related funding has flatlined in many countries. Tracking progress on how protected areas are contributing. Traditional knowledge indicators for aichi target 18 in 2010, the cbd adopted the 2020 aichi biodiversity targets. Implementation of the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011. The conventions strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020, created in 2010, include the aichi biodiversity targets. Jane smart global director, biodiversity conservation group head, species programme. The interagency expert group on sustainable development goal indicators selected progress towards national targets established in accordance with aichi biodiversity target 2 of the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 as the best indicator to measure progress for target 15. Biodiversity monitoring for natural resource management. They will also facilitate achieving aichi biodiversity targets 6 and 11. They aim to provide parties and other stakeholders with an introduction to each of the aichi biodiversity targets by quickly introducing. Scottish natural heritage snh has changed its name to naturescot as of the 24th august 2020. Strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the aichi targets. By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health are restored and safeguarded.

Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across. With four years left, five of the worlds largest conservation ngos birdlife international, conservation international, the rspb, the nature conservancy and wwf came together. A framework to identify enabling and urgent actions for the 2020. Pdf progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets.

Subnational governments achievement towards aichi biodiversity target 9 and sdg target 15. Publication 2020 scotlands biodiversity progress to 2020 aichi targets aichi biodiversity target method report pdf, 2. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services essential. There are strong overlaps between the aichi biodiversity targets and. Progress and alignment of national targets to the aichi. Jun 26, 2016 the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020, adopted at the 10th meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity, sets 20 aichi biodiversity targets to be met by 2020 to address biodiversity loss and ensure its sustainable and equitable use. Browse the aichi biodiversity targets and their indicators.

The priority actions aim to address the urgent need to consolidate and further strengthen current efforts at local, national, regional and global levels to manage coral. Building the sustainable development goals on the aichi. Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. The 20 aichi biodiversity targets aichi targets, which are included in the strategic plan, are organized. Target 11 by 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas, and 10 per cent of coastal. The strategic plan for biodiversity 201120, the aichi.

Biodiversity strategy 2020 of aichi, and action plan. This short term plan is officially known as strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020. This short term plan provide a set of 20 ambitious yet achievable targets, collectively known as the aichi targets. The aichi biodiversity target 2 is by 2020, at the latest. The priority actions aim to address the urgent need to consolidate and further strengthen current efforts at local, national, regional and global levels to. The world association of zoos and aquariums waza is the unifying organisation for the world zoo and aquarium community. For each aichi target, we have assessed progress biodiversity outlook 4 report. The strategic goal a of aichi biodiversity targets was to address the underlying causes of the loss of biodiversity across government and society.

The protection table 1 aichi targets directly linked with the conservation of terrestrial species and ecosystems and prognosis for 2020 during the tenth meeting of the conference of the parties cop 10 in nagoya, aichi prefecture, japan, the convention on biological diversity cbd adopted a strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 with the. The finalized report provides an overview of activities on biodiversity strategic plan 20112020 and aichi biodiversity targets which were adopted during cop10. A decade ago, the world agreed to 20 aichi biodiversity. Learning from the failure to meet the aichi biodiversity targets, the authors recommend effective global and.

National targets should, in addition to covering main biodiversity issues, addressing the 3 objectives of the cbd, relating to the aichi targets, be. Independent national assessments of progress to aichi biodiversity targets are lacking. At the global level none of the 20 targets have been fully achieved, though six targets have been partially achieved targets 9, 11, 16, 17, 19 and 20. For each of those national actions, we identified which was the main aichi biodiversity target associated to it, based on their. Aichi targets newsletters aichi biodiversity targets fliers english spanish french aichi biodiversity targets strategic goal a. Priority actions to achieve aichi biodiversity target 10. Aichi target 18 at18 states that by 2020 traditional knowledge, innovations and practices are to be respected and protected, and fully the mobilization of the perspectives of the iplcs, and for claiming. At the time of publishing, this document may still refer to scottish natural. Plan for biodiversity 20112020 the aichi biodiversity targets in order to contribute to the achieving of cbd. The assessment reveled that out of 58 targets, 3 5. Target 1 by 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably. It is a a tenyear framework for action by all countries to save biodiversity. Overall, only about 10% of countries reported national targets that exceed or are commensurate with the global level of ambition, whilst about 40% of countries were less ambitious and 50% indicate targets with.

The 20112020 aichi biodiversity targets and the transition to the post2020 global biodiversity framework 1. Zoos and aquariums contribute to achieving aichi target 1. As of july 2016, the 5 th national reports have been submitted by 90% of the parties and nbsaps by 52%. The aichi targets failed, in part, because their format makes progress hard to measure. Aichi biodiversity targets, including ambitious targets for the. Consequently, the sdgs could build on the aichi targets because. A global biodiversity framework gbf is under discussion for the period 2021 2030, which will replace the aichi targets adopted by the. This page provides key messages and recommendations for each strategic goal and summarises iplcs perspectives on and contributions to each target. Alignment of national targets to aichi targets analysis. As the flagship publication of the biodiversity indicators partnership bip, the aichi targets passport provides annual updates on the global biodiversity indicators that monitor progress towards the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the underlying aichi. Aichi biodiversity targets, and is based on countries nbsaps national biodiversity strategies and action plans under the cbd and 5 th national reports covering the period 2011 2016.

The aichi targets have been crafted on the basis of an analysis of the bene. Any nbsap should therefore include actions aimed at measuring the progress toward the aichi targets. While progress toward the aichi targets through the convention on biological diversity is welldocumented globally, less is known at the national level. Biodiversity strategy 2020 of aichi, and action plan toward. Ensuring effective implementation of the post2020 global. We conducted a systematic content analysis of 154 documents to assess the nature and extent of national implementation of the aichi targets using canada as a case study. There are 20 aichi biodiversity targets in the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020, grouped into five strategic goals. Many of these, such as public awareness, economic incentives and policy.

By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and. In september 2016 we developed the aichi interim report 2016 which covers of the 20 aichi targets, and the year after we published an updated aichi interim report 2017 assessing progress on all 20 internationally agreed aichi targets. By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health. By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to. Target 2 by 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national.

Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society strategic goal b. The guides provide an overview of the main issues addressed under each target. This is the first operationalized dashboard to date that communicates multiple biodiversity indicators at multiple scales, and directly serves the global need to monitor progress towards aichi targets. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use strategic goal. Aichi biodiversity targets case studies news contact.

Achieving aichi biodiversity target 9 convention on biological. Progress towards the cbds protected area targets preliminary findings from the protected planet report 2012 bastian bertzky unepwcmc. Assessment of nationallevel progress towards elements of the aichi biodiversity targets. The shortterm plan which consists of 20 ambitious targets is collectively known as aichi targets. The aichi targets and biodiversity in the context of the post2015 development agenda. Concerted action on aichi biodiversity target 11 for freshwater biodiversity by 2020 is required in a number. The hindu, editorial, aichi targets,12 national biodiversity targets of india in hindi free classes. Forest peoples programme 1c fosseway business centre stratford road moretoninmarsh gl56 9nq england. The submission also outlined how areabased targets could be incorporated into the post2020 global biodiversity framework and could support the implementation pathways of the cbd, unccd and unfccc.

The strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020, adopted at the 10th meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity, sets 20 aichi biodiversity targets to be met. Scotlands biodiversity progress to 2020 aichi targets. Assessment of nationallevel progress towards elements of the. The aichi biodiversity targets zero, and degradation and fragmentation is significantly reduced.

The first national consultation on biodiversity targets. Summary of linkages between sdgs and aichi biodiversity targets. Aichi targets 20 targets, divided into 5 sections a to e. In addition, it shows how the 2030 agenda can contribute to the implementation of the current strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and vice versa, and considers a possible process for the development of a post2020 framework. The meetings of the parties to the convention are known as conferences of the parties cop, with the first one cop 1 held in nassau, bahamas in 1994 and the most recent one cop 14 held in sharm elsheikh, egypt. The strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the. In 2010, the parties of the convention on biological diversity cbd adopted the strategic plan for biodiversity. This chart displays countries alignment at the national level, towards all 20 of the aichi targets.

Aichi biodiversity targets strategic goals cbd in decision x2, the 10th meeting 2010 of the conference of the parties for the convention on biological diversity cbd, adopted a revised and updated strategic plan for biodiversity, including aichi biodiversity targets for the 2011 2020 period. The uk is a signatory to the cbd and will submit a full report in december 2018, which will include progress on each aichi target. Such a largescale evaluation of zoos and aquariums as education centres is mostly lacking and also needed by the convention on biological diversity cbd for evaluating aichi target 1. At the heart of this overarching framework for international biodiversity action are the aichi biodiversity targets which cover a wide range of biodiversity related topics. Subnational governments achievement towards aichi biodiversity. Strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and to achieve the aichi biodiversity targets. Those drawing up a new generation of biodiversity goals and targets. The national targets are to be developed taking into account both the global targets, their technical rationale and the status and trends of biological diversity in the country, with a view to contributing to collective global efforts to reach the global targets and report to cop 11. Achieving aichi biodiversity target 11 to improve the. Pdf in 2010 the conference of the parties cop for the convention on biological diversity revised and updated a strategic plan for. Priority actions for target 10 7 so as to maintain their integrity and functioning. These interim reports present scotlands progress towards meeting the global aichi targets under the convention on biological diversity. Strategic goal a address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss target 1.

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